A recent Microsoft blog posting from Marques Lyons urges business owners to consider using Xbox consoles for their business needs – something particularly preposterous even for their usual marketeering.
“What is being positioned as an excellent entertainment device can be just as enticing for you and your small business. In fact, it’s entirely justifiable to make the Xbox One a business expense. The Xbox One, priced at $499, is an affordable option for small business owners, as there are many features built into the console that could help it rival even the most modest of video conferencing and networking platforms.”
I had one of those moments where I just start to laugh, hard at first, and then the laughing slowly subsides, as my brain begins to piece together uncounted possibility. And you know what? Microsoft may be on to something here. The game console is seemingly positioned at the center of a perfect storm, where cost effective hardware, robust 3D capability, truly innovative user interfaces, and convenient software delivery/infrastructure are colliding. This particular combination of technology and convenience just might make the thought of using a game console for design and engineering an entirely viable idea.